About Us

We raise Texas Longhorn cattle in both California and Texas. Our goal is simple - to provide our customers with a selection of the very finest examples of the breed.

Our quest for the best began in 1995 with a fascination about the size and varied shapes of the horns of these magnificent beasts. As we have since expanded not only our herd but also our knowledge base, we have come to focus on the whole animal, making certain that our herd has more than just horn producing genetics and is in balance. As a result, we now have (we think) an outstanding herd of truly long horned animals that also have good frame size, thickness, depth, conformation, calm dispositions, and lots of color.

We have always believed that a good herd starts (but certainly doesn't end) with a good bull. Bulls are, after all, responsible for 50% of the genetics of the offspring of each cow. Our philosophy has been to make certain that no cow on our property ever has a calf whose total pedigree we aren’t proud of. Obviously not all calves combine the best genes of both parents; however, we make certain that they all are conceived with a chance at greatness. 


All About Longhorns 


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